How to use visual hierarchy to guide users on your landing page


When it comes to landing pages, visual design is everything. Did you know that up to 93% of first impressions are formed within the first 3 seconds based on visual elements alone? And yet, the vast majority of businesses are completely ignoring one of the most powerful visual design techniques proven to boost conversions.

I’m talking about visual hierarchy – and no, it’s not some buzzword or overcomplicated concept. Visual hierarchy simply refers to using size, color, position and spacing of elements to naturally guide visitors through your page. But most marketers are clueless about how to do this properly.

In this exclusive guide, I’m pulling back the curtain on the well-kept secret of how to use visual hierarchy strategies that user experience experts don’t want you to know. I’ll show you the EXACT techniques to draw people in immediately, communicate your message clearly, and turn casual visitors into loyal customers by getting them to take action.

By the time you’ve finished, you’ll know exactly how to design high-converting landing pages that feel instantly intuitive. You’ll be able to boost leads, sales and ROI through visual design alone. Does that sound useful? Then let me reveal all my insider visual hierarchy secrets…

Feature Description
Size The relative size of text elements, with larger text appearing higher in the hierarchy.
Color The use of different colors can indicate different levels of importance or hierarchy.
Position The placement of text elements, with elements higher or to the left appearing higher in the hierarchy.
Whitespace The use of spaces, line breaks, and blank lines to visually separate and group text elements. More whitespace indicates a lower level.
Grouping Grouping related text elements together visually with techniques like indentation, boxes, or background shading. More nested groups are lower in the hierarchy.

Features that play a role in determining hierarchy in text


Size is one of the most fundamental ways to create visual hierarchy as the human eye is naturally drawn to larger elements first. On landing pages, the hero section or main value proposition should typically be the largest visual on the page. This ensures it gets maximum attention and is understood as the primary focus.

Some best practices for using size as a visual guide include:

  • Make your main headline the largest text on the page, usually 50-100px in size depending on design. This establishes it as the hero message.
  • Supporting subheads and paragraphs can be 20-40% smaller to show secondary importance.
  • Navigation, footers and other non-essential areas should be smaller still, usually 16-24px.
  • Images and other graphical elements follow a similar size hierarchy, with the hero image being 2-3x larger than any others.
  • Consistency is key, don’t have random large or small elements that disrupt the flow.

Proper use of size shows users instinctively what deserves their attention first and allows the eye to follow a natural path down the page.


Color is another powerful visual cue that guides users. Bright, saturated colors naturally stand out more than muted, pale colors. On landing pages, the primary call to action buttons should typically be the brightest, boldest color to ensure they are noticed. Some best practices include:

  • Use bright, vibrant colors like blue, green or red for your main CTAs rather than muted tones.
  • Consider a complementary accent color for supporting elements and headings to make them pop without competing with CTAs.
  • Stick to a simple 2-3 color palette for consistency and avoid too many colors that could feel chaotic.
  • High contrast colors like black/white or dark blue/yellow are easiest for all users to read.
  • Save muted, pastel colors for background areas or less important information.

Using the right colors trains users’ eyes to immediately seek out the most important interactive elements without searching. Combined with size, color creates a clear visual priority.


Where elements are positioned on the page also impacts the visual flow and hierarchy. Users’ eyes typically move in an F-pattern when scanning web pages, so positioning elements accordingly helps guide their gaze. Some best practices include:

  • Place your main headline, hero image and primary CTA at the top left of the page where eyes look first.
  • Position any supporting content, navigation or CTAs towards the right side below the hero section.
  • Place less important supporting content, footers etc toward the bottom of the page.
  • Group related elements together through proximity for scanning.
  • Leave space between sections to create visual separation between levels of importance.
  • Avoid placing your primary CTA at the very bottom which requires more effort to find.

Strategic positioning reinforces the natural flow of users’ eyes and makes it instinctively clear what comes first versus secondary actions.


Whitespace, or negative space on the page, is just as important for visual hierarchy as the actual content elements. Too little whitespace makes elements feel cramped and chaotic, while too much makes the page feel empty. The right use of whitespace creates visual breathing room and separation between sections. Some best practices include:

  • Leave generous whitespace above and below the main hero section so it stands out.
  • Add spacing between related groups of content for scanning.
  • Use margins to create visual separation between navigation, content sections and footers.
  • Avoid having elements touch or overlap which disrupts the flow.
  • Balance whitespace with content to avoid an empty, sparse feeling page.

Strategic whitespace creates visual priority by making certain sections pop more while providing flow for the eye to follow intuitively.


Another technique for guiding users is grouping related elements visually. The human eye naturally clusters together elements that appear connected. On landing pages, grouping helps users understand distinct sections at a glance. Some grouping best practices include:

  • Use containers, borders or background colors to group logically connected content.
  • Group navigation items together away from the main content area.
  • Contain testimonials, case studies or other related snippets together.
  • Consider grouping CTAs that relate to the same goal, like “Learn More” buttons.
  • Use proximity, alignment and similar sizing within groups.
  • Leave whitespace between distinct groups for separation.

By clustering related pieces visually, users can quickly parse your message and identify their next move without parsing individual isolated elements.

Putting It All Together

Now that we’ve covered the key principles, let’s look at how to combine them effectively on an actual landing page design:

  • Place your largest headline, hero image dead center at the top to anchor users’ attention.
  • Position supporting subheads and intro copy to the right at a slightly smaller size.
  • Group your primary CTAs together just below the hero section using similar colors and size.
  • Place your navigation bar horizontally along the top in a muted color with whitespace above.
  • Group additional supporting content sections together below with headings, borders and spacing.
  • Add whitespace above and below distinct sections for visual separation.
  • Place less important supporting elements like footers and legal text toward the bottom.
  • Use a simple 2-3 color palette with high contrast between interactive and body text.
  • Maintain consistent and logical sizing, spacing, alignment and grouping throughout.

By applying these visual hierarchy techniques together thoughtfully, you can create a landing page design that guides users seamlessly and makes it clear what to do every step of the way. Test different variations to see what works best at grabbing attention and driving conversions for your unique offering. With practice, you’ll learn to craft intuitive experiences through visual design alone.


A strong visual hierarchy is key to creating landing pages that feel instinctively easy to understand and navigate for visitors. By leveraging techniques like size, color, position, whitespace and grouping strategically, you can guide users’ eyes and attention to fully understand your value proposition and desired next actions. Take the time to thoughtfully design the flow and priority of elements on your pages to remove cognitive overhead for visitors. With a clear hierarchy, users will feel in control and know exactly what to do next without extra effort.