How to Create Engaging Content

Creating engaging content is no longer just about throwing a few words on a page, hitting "publish," and hoping for the best.

If you want to create content that truly engages people, you need to understand them, bring them value, and do so consistently over time.

So how do you create engaging content that resonates? Here are the steps:


1. Understand Who You're Talking To

Before you create any content, it’s important to know who you’re creating it for. This is where empathy comes in. You’re not just creating content for yourself; you’re creating it to solve a problem, to answer a question, or to provide value to your audience.

Ask yourself:

  • Who is your audience?
  • What do they care about?
  • What problems are they facing?
  • What motivates them?

You may have heard this before, but it’s crucial: content that doesn’t resonate with your audience won’t engage them. If you’re creating content that doesn’t speak directly to the needs, desires, and challenges of your audience, it will fall flat.

If you’re unsure who your audience is, start with some research. Look at your current customers or followers. What do they talk about? What do they share? What questions do they ask? What are their frustrations? Your job is to connect with them on their level.

For more info, you can learn what is human-crafted copywriting about.

Empathy Is Key

Empathy is often the missing ingredient in content strategy. Too many brands treat content creation as a way to advertise, to push their products or services. But content that engages isn’t about you—it’s about them. It’s about understanding the challenges your audience faces and offering solutions or perspectives that resonate with them.

2. Offer Value

Once you've established who your audience is, the next step is to provide them with something they find valuable. Content is a transaction: people give you their attention, and in return, they want to get something out of it.

Value can come in many different forms:

  • Education: Provide insights, tips, or how-tos that help your audience solve a problem or learn something new.
  • Entertainment: Make them laugh, cry, or feel something. Tell a compelling story that draws them in.
  • Inspiration: Share stories or insights that motivate your audience to take action or see the world in a new way.
  • Solutions: Help them overcome an obstacle or challenge they’re facing.

If your content doesn’t offer something of value, why would anyone pay attention to it? Every piece of content you create should leave your audience feeling like they’ve gained something, whether it’s knowledge, motivation, or a moment of joy.

Consistency of Value

It’s not enough to provide value once. You need to provide it consistently. If you want your audience to keep coming back, they need to know that whenever they engage with your content, they’re going to walk away with something valuable. And the more consistently you do this, the more they’ll trust you.

3. Tell Stories

 are wired for stories. We’ve been telling them for thousands of years, and they’re one of the most powerful tools for engagement. Why? Because stories evoke emotions, and emotions are what drive us to take action.

When you tell a story, you’re not just delivering information—you’re creating an experience. You’re giving your audience a reason to care. Stories make your content relatable, memorable, and shareable.

How to Use Storytelling in Your Content

When crafting a story, make sure it has a clear arc: a beginning (the problem or challenge), a middle (the journey), and an end (the resolution). This structure is what keeps people engaged and wanting to know what happens next.

4. Be Authentic

In a world full of polished marketing messages and perfectly curated images, authenticity stands out. People can spot inauthenticity from a mile away, and nothing disengages an audience faster than feeling like they’re being manipulated or sold to.

Authenticity is about being real, being vulnerable, and being honest. It’s about showing your human side. When you’re authentic, you build trust. And trust is the foundation of engagement.

How to Be Authentic

Drop the corporate speak. Talk to your audience like you would to a friend. Be conversational, honest, and approachable. Don’t compromise your values for the sake of engagement. Authenticity means standing by what you believe in, even if it’s not the popular opinion.

5. Be Visual

While words are powerful, they aren’t always enough. We live in a highly visual world, and incorporating visuals into your content can greatly enhance engagement. Studies show that people are more likely to engage with content that includes images, videos, or infographics.

Visuals help break up large chunks of text, making your content more digestible. And, they’re often more shareable—think about how much easier it is to share an infographic or a funny meme than a long blog post.

Types of Visual Content to Use:

  • Images: Use high-quality images that support your message. Stock photos are fine, but original images are even better.
  • Videos: Video content is one of the most engaging forms of media. Whether it’s a quick explainer video, a behind-the-scenes look, or a customer testimonial, video can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.
  • Infographics: Infographics are a great way to present complex information in a visual, easy-to-digest format. They’re also highly shareable.
  • Memes and GIFs: If it fits your brand’s voice, memes and GIFs can add humor and personality to your content.

6. Create Interactive Content

One of the best ways to engage your audience is by making them a part of the content experience. Interactive content invites your audience to participate, rather than just passively consume.

Here are a few examples of interactive content:

  • Polls and Surveys: Ask your audience for their opinion. It’s a simple way to get them involved and show that you care about what they think.
  • Quizzes: People love quizzes—especially if they’re fun and relevant to their interests. They’re also highly shareable.
  • Interactive Infographics: Instead of a static infographic, create one that your audience can interact with. This could include clickable elements, animations, or hover effects.
  • Contests and Giveaways: Encourage your audience to engage with your content by offering something in return. Whether it’s a free product, a shoutout, or exclusive content, contests and giveaways are a great way to boost engagement.

Interactive content not only grabs attention, but it also increases the time your audience spends with your content, which can lead to deeper engagement.

7. Be Consistent

Engagement doesn’t happen overnight. It’s built over time through consistent effort. If you want to keep your audience engaged, you need to show up consistently—whether that’s through blog posts, social media updates, emails, or videos.

Consistency doesn’t just mean posting regularly; it also means maintaining a consistent voice, message, and tone. Your audience should know what to expect from you, and they should feel like they can rely on you to deliver value consistently.

Create a Content Calendar

One of the best ways to stay consistent is by creating a content calendar. A calendar helps you plan out your content in advance, so you don’t have to scramble to come up with ideas at the last minute. It also ensures that you’re consistently delivering value to your audience.

When creating your content calendar, keep these things in mind:

  • Balance: Make sure you’re offering a variety of content—educational, entertaining, inspirational, etc.
  • Relevance: Make sure your content is timely and relevant to what’s happening in your industry or with your audience.
  • Sustainability: Don’t overcommit. It’s better to post less frequently but consistently than to post a lot and then burn out.

8. Encourage Engagement

If you want people to engage with your content, you have to ask them to engage. Calls to action (CTAs) are essential for driving engagement. Whether it’s asking a question, inviting them to share their opinion, or encouraging them to share your content, a well-placed CTA can make a big difference.

Make sure your CTAs are clear, specific, and relevant to the content. Don’t just say “leave a comment”; ask a question that invites discussion. And don’t just say “share this”—give people a reason to share it.

9. Measure and Adjust

Finally, creating engaging content is an ongoing process that requires constant measurement and adjustment. Pay attention to how your content is performing. What’s resonating with your audience? What’s falling flat?

Use analytics to track key metrics like:

  • Engagement rates (comments, likes, shares)
  • Time spent on page
  • Bounce rates
  • Click-through rates (for emails or social media)

Once you have this data, use it to adjust your content strategy. Double down on what’s working, and refine or eliminate what’s not. Creating engaging content is an iterative process, and the more you learn about your audience, the better you’ll get at delivering content that resonates.


Creating engaging content isn’t about chasing trends or trying to go viral. It’s about understanding your audience, offering value, and connecting with them on a human level. It’s about telling stories, being authentic, and showing up consistently. It’s about creating content that people want to engage with—not because they’re being told to, but because they genuinely find it valuable.

When you prioritize empathy, value, and authenticity, you’ll create content that not only captures attention but also builds lasting relationships with your audience. And in the end, that’s what true engagement is all about.